Helping Family Members

Wanting to help others is a laudable ambition.  It is especially difficult to champion members of one’s own family.  Now, some would say, ‘of course, we want to give aid to those closest to us’.  Yet, this is not always attainable.  There are circumstances where the people we have grown up with, turn out to be our harshest critics.  Or worse; some of those who are meant to love and protect us, are the very people who have caused the most damage.  (Whether knowingly or not.)

That fact should not hinder us from offering kindness, as it is these very humans who need assistance more than anyone else.  Instincts would have us walk away from anyone who has caused us pain.  It is human nature.  Yet, if we can get past our prejudices and project the will to bring support and encouragement to the other person, all shall benefit from such magnaminity.

To give aid to strangers can be much easier.  As they never judge on the past, especially when there is no history.  Emotions will play their role in determining whether to pluck up the courage to offer sound advice to those closest to us.  Worse still famillial relationships may prevent those who could use wise counsel from accepting such guidance because one cannot get over old images of a loved ones perceived role in life.

We all change and it may be hardest to recognize such alterations within the dynamics of the family.  That should never stop anyone from seeking the help that is needed.  Nor should it prevent one from taking in sage advice.  Everyone has to decide for themselves whether to accept the help on offer from wherever the source.

A person willing to give support can be open to granting acquired knowledge but as we all know you cannot force anyone to accept solace or solutions.  When this is the case, all we can do is wait patiently until that person is ready to receive some peace of mind.

Helping others will always be an admirable pursuit.  Giving valuable information in order for one to create a happier life is something that will reflect back.  Mirroring serenity will, in turn, bring tranquility throughout the world.  We all want that for our loved ones and all of humanity.

Working Hard

There is this fallacy that says, ‘the only way to reach success in any field of endeavour is to put your head down and truly keep your nose to the grindstone’.  After all, if all it took was being good at something, we would all do it as a career choice.  People should be allowed to make money doing that for which they love.  Yet, only the lucky few actually achieve it.  The rest of us, mere, mortals must suffer and toil for the wages we earn.  But is this an ideal life?  Why can’t we have it all?

I have been blocked in this area for most of my life.  Desperately searching for the reason why I cannot move towards my ultimate lifestyle.  Intellectually, I know it should be possible.  There are others who are living the life I want; many participating in the career I would so love to have.

If one other person has accomplished my goal, it stands to reason, that the career choice is not out of the realms of possibility.  So, obviously, there is something holding me back.  Is it mindset?  Possibly.  Is it confidence?  Could be.  Is it lack of talent?  That does not hold water as these days as anything can be outsourced.  Even talent.  Coming to the conclusion that the block must be deep-rooted in the past, a search has been on-going for years.

There have been minor breakthroughs along the way yet, the elusive goal has never been attained.  Things are about to change.  Belief in oneself has so far escaped me.  Even after others have riddled me with compliments.  It is too easy to dismiss their good judgements as empty accolades.  But maybe . . . just, maybe, the others are right.

Denying their compliments is refuting that their opinions are valid.  This is wrong on a number of counts.  Time to accept that others like your work and gift them with the pleasure of availability at whatever the cost.  This is how the world continues to move forward.

So, no more blowing off the well-wishes of others.  Time to hunker down and offer even more value and, as in my case, entertainment.  The future looks bright, pals.  There is nothing hard about doing what you love!

Bringing Joy

It is pleasurable to bring joy to others.  What springs to mind, is the old adage, ‘it is better to give than receive’.  Nothing could be more true.  When one makes the effort to spread happiness for the sheer enjoyment of those involved, there is no limit on the delight that fills one’s heart.  Seemingly without effort, excellence will be returned to those whose sole aim it is to please another.

Call it karma, call it the law of reciprocity or call it whatever you like.  The giving and receiving of goodness lets loose the vibes we can all benefit from.  Releasing such generosity into the atmosphere allows those good intentions to permeate throughout the ether and the world is a better place.

Not everyone experiences such a giving nature.  We can get caught up in the ‘what have you done for me lately’ mentality that many people gravitate towards these days.  This is self-serving hogwash.  Yes, we all want what is best but to bestow cheerfulness unto others will automatically bring with it such happiness that this is the reward in itself.  It is tantamount to sharing love.  Joy and love being two sides of the same coin.

It takes little effort to please another.  Whatever one has to do to accomplish such a feat is well worth it.  Mostly because we can all use a smile on a daily basis.  If someone goes the extra mile to make you laugh outright, it will not be forgotten easily.

The mere fact that one has brought joy to someone else may begin a whole chain of events where people begin to outdo each other in their willingness to produce fun.

The most important fact is, no one can out-give the universe.  When the focus becomes to add value to the lives of as many people as possible, abundance is never far behind.  It is by far what we should be taught in school from an early age.  Alas, it rarely happens.  The people who are exposed to such rich thinking are always better off.

Be one of the thoughtful few who bring jubilation to others.  Do not do it for what you may get.  Do it for the sheer joy it will convey to others.

Happy Without Limits

A life without limits can be scary.  Most of us will hold ourselves back in self-preservation or to be more precise, to keep us from the fear of success.  Yes, this seems an almost unfathomable occurrence as who does not want to succeed?  The fear of fulfillment is not really about the individual dreading the best or to win.  It has to do with being comfortable with the changes happy outcomes bring.

We all know that when good things happen, our old comfortable way of life will change.  This does not mean the alteration will bring about bad experiences.  It simply means it will be different.  That can send chills down the spine if those who prefer the known and familiar.

Change can be discombobulating at the best of times.  As creatures of habit any adjustments will throw off the normal behaviours.  Despite the fact, that the new routines can be adapted to with relative ease, the very thoughts of having these disruptions occur may stop one from pursuing the very future they desire.

It is a strange thing that humans would rather ‘the devil they know’ than to escape situations and make a more full and rich future.  Yet, it happens all the time.  Sometimes, without being aware that this is what is blocking them.  They muddle through, struggling for a happier existence, pursuing dreams only to be stopped before the end result can manifest.  They will alter course mid-stream or give up altogether.

To limit oneself to the old, comfortable way is to stifle progress.  This is never ideal.  In order to move ahead with anything we must be open to possibilities.  Otherwise, we would all, still be living in caves.  Regardless of how uncomfortable change is, we as humans, have always managed to adjust.  This must be embraced.

Learn to enjoy these times of upheaval as it always ends up for the good.  Part of truly living is the ability to transform and make our lives better.  There is no limit on happiness.