
Dreams; we all have them and we have all given up on them at one time or another.  Often, the ideas we have are merely put on hold for a later date.  Then life gets in the way and the saddest outcome is the things, with which we have a fondness for, are never pursued.  Yes, paying bills and creating a family may take priority, as they should, but that does not mean one cannot find the time to do the things they most desire.

Because of such actions, life will be more fulfilling for everyone involved.  Happy people pursue the things that make them content.  It boils down to creating a circle of enjoyment.  Doing what one loves, makes them joyous which in turn, allows for the spreading of good cheer to all.

Society, at large, wants people to feel guilty about taking part in the things that appear frivolous on the outside.  But these things fuel the soul and formulate an inner peacefulness that cannot be beat.  Everyone has their avenue of happiness and no one is right or wrong about the course they wish to follow.

Partners should always encourage each other to find interests and make them part of their daily lives.  Even if the other does not understand it.  The important thing is for the individual to find fulfillment via pleasant activities.  Too many have taken that away with an off-the-cuff remark which has denigrated those interests.  It may not create a permanent resentment but there will be something in the back of one’s mind that is pained by the negativity.  No one should deny another the freedom to follow their bliss.

Dreams are what make one’s life rich.  Maybe not monetarily but inner abundance is as crucial as any other aspect of a satisfying path.  Follow your dreams, pursue your goals and a sense of well-being will permeate your very existence.  Everyone wins!

The Law Of Nature

Just when one thinks they cannot possibly go on, they find they can.  This is the case whether dealing with an incredibly arduous situation or a delightful result.  Life has a tendency to stretch us to the very limits.  This can be manifested by illness in the family or the good fortune of a lottery win.  As opposite as these circumstances are, on the scale of life’s incidents, there are both good and bad aspects to them.

Now, most would not see the winning of a huge amount of money, as a life lesson.  Yet, experience this and suddenly one acquires friends and family who they have never met before.  Hangers-on!  People who are more than willing to help rid you of the new-found cash.  And these same people will desert you once that resource dries up.

This might well be the lesson that must be learned.  It may take its toll on the emotions but can be a valuable piece of knowledge that will boost one’s power of discernment.

As I say, an illness in the family can be just as priceless a lesson.  No one wants to see a loved one suffer or become incapacitated in any way. Nor, to be honest, does any one of us want to have to be a care-giver to such a family member.  Yet, facing such hardship will bring about an inner strength that not many are given the luxury of discovering.  And while giving selflessly may not be one’s station in life, having the opportunity to grow exponentially may be the greatest gift of all.

There will be struggles along the way.  Problems that will seem impossible to solve.  They may lead to a point of giving up.  Yet, to see these through to an uncertain end nearly always results in the perfect scenario presenting itself.  It seems the universe will benefit those who stand and face whatever dilemma life throws at them.  The conclusion will always propel the individual forward to a better future.  It is the Law of Nature.

TheMind Of An Artist

Artists can be unique thinkers.  How anyone’s mind works is endlessly interesting.  We all have a distinctive way to navigate through life.  What we have been exposed to from an early age influences our thought patterns that can stay with us for an entire lifespan.  This, in turn, can be the catalyst for whether or not we obtain the successes we desire.

It, also, effects the way truth is seen and the world in general.  Experts say artists think of filling space differently, from the rest of us mere mortals.  It makes sense as filling up a canvas or any work area must be contemplated and carried out with the utmost precision.

As with most successes in life, the finished product, whether painting, sculpture or a song, the artist must first envision the end result before taking on the task of producing the work of art.  This is the part that is fascinating.

Creating anything out of thin air takes talent.  Having the wherewithal to carry out the visions must include the confidence in one’s abilities to see the project through to the end.  I dare say, artists are impelled to complete their works (for the most part) which means they possess a reliance on their natural gifts (or learned abilities) to perform up to the standards they have set for themselves.

The blank canvas, like an empty page for a writer, can be daunting.  ‘Who, what, where, when, why and how’ all run through the mind of the creator.  With the infinite possibilities, the fact that any work gets done is amazing.  Filling space with whatever the imagination conceives is the greatest gift an inventive person can bestow.

Figuring out how the mind of an artist works is like wading through treacle.  The important thing is to allow their craft to bring joy and entertainment to others.  No artist could ask for more of their work.  To analyze their inner functions may ruin a good thing.  Best to allow their creations to speak for themselves and flow outwards to all the world.

The Benefits Of Keeping Busy

There are many benefits of keeping busy.  Not least is which is that much gets done.  Participating in activities that one enjoys, is the best way to spend time.  The greatest benefit of all, is it will render quiet to the endless, negative self-talk that inundates throughout the day.

No one is immune to the incessant barrage of chatter we can undermine ourselves with.  The best way to silence the saboteur is to keep one’s mind focused on other things.  That is why creating projects for yourself can do wonders.  Nothing beats negativity like an infusion of fun.  One cannot remain in opposing mind frames, at the same time.  Therefore, concentrating on any enjoyable task at hand will, by its very nature, eliminate most, if not all, of the less than productive mental activity.

Everyone can use this idea to their advantage.  Staying positive takes effort.  If it were easy to only retain good thoughts, we would all do it.  After all, who in their right mind would want to be stuck in the destructive aspects of our lives?

Fortunately, we have a choice, as to what thoughts we think.  Being aware is the first step, then picking the best beliefs for ourselves will be next.  This can, of course, be extremely arduous.  And reverting back to old habits might be the quickest line of defence.  Despite the fact, it may be harmful.  Too much time on our hands can be very dangerous to counterproductive thinking.  It is at these times that one is apt to fill their heads full of nonsense.  It happens to the best people on the planet.

To keep busy, both mind and body, solves a multitude of challenges.  The way one thinks and the actions taken will lead, directly to being saved from the trap of dissension

The value in keeping engaged in pleasant endeavours will only compel optimum satisfaction.  The mind can use the rest.  No more beating ourselves up.  Participating in fun, will create the right mindset and that will benefit all.

A Great Gift

Some would say the greatest gift to give another is their freedom.  But what happens when the one being set at liberty does not want to be set adrift?  It is possible to prefer to remain chained to an old and familiar way of life.  To willingly forego the possibilities out of fear of the unknown is how many live their dull existences.  And maybe this is the correct choice for them?  Who is to say that someone else must opt for the road if unrestricted frontiers?  Sometimes having boundaries and limits helps to regulate one’s comfort level.

It may even be our own choice to confine ourselves by not moving towards scary situations.  Some people may view this as being held back (even by ourselves) or it can be misconstrued as fear running amok.  It matters only that each individual has the right to choose for themselves which road to take.

Being part of a couple adds an interesting dimension to this scenario.  As now there are two persons whose thoughts and feelings must be considered.  No one’s opinion is more important than the other.  If there are two opposing positions there has to be a compromise.  Herein, lies the cruellest choice if all.  How can one possibly force their choice on the other?  Yet, couples do this all the time.  It works with business partners or any two people.  The optimum is to find a win-win solution.  Giving is the key to a peaceful co-existence.  To choose selfishly will not win you any friends.  Nor with the merits of Karma will this be the way to the top.

Helping others achieve the things they want is the most unselfish gift to give your partner.  The favour of their choice, despite the fact it may put your demands on hold, if done with love, can bring about great success.  The good vibes will come back to you, in spades.  Even though this is not the ultimate goal, nor should the expectation force one to give up their own desires.  Giving to others unconditionally, for the love of watching them succeed, is the greatest gift to bestow upon someone you love.

Share The Talent

Life happens to those who participate.  It can be so easy to hide oneself away from friends and family.  Citing a lack of funds or being too busy with work or family commitments so that deep-rooted joys get ignored.  Or worse; pushed to the background.  Leaving an empty vessel that could have been an exciting full life.

It is a sort of self flagellation, to deny yourself the things that give you pleasure.  And for a multitude of reasons we do this at some point over the decades.

When young, such attitudes are never even considered an option.  So, what is it about age that withers a person’s courage to pursue that which is a pure and simple form of  merriment?  Priorities will, of course, come into it.  Everyone has them and they do change over the course of a life.

Escaping from the joy one seeks can be a most debilitating disease.  Especially, when it is disguised as reasonable excuses for not taking life by the horns and enjoying the ride to its utmost.  I would venture to say, most find their way and are happy with their lot.  But for the ones who want more and better, to stifle themselves can be devastating.

It will hurt even more once the realization that an entire lifetime has been wasted, waiting for some miracle to take place and health, wealth and romance have suddenly fallen by the wayside.

These things never occur without putting in effort.  Being receptive to all that is abundant while in scarcity mode will never transpire.  We vibrate on a number of levels whether conscious of that fact or not.  And we all, indeed, reap what we sow.  No one is immune.

If you are not living the life you truly want, something has got to change.  It takes a certain type of fortitude to try different avenues in order to reach desired goals.  It must be done though.  Living less than one’s potential is the saddest story one can visit on themselves. 

Never waste what talent or skills you have.  The world is richer when we all share our best.

Push Through

No one is immune to tough times.  The sort of thing where no matter what one does, it feels like the weight of the world is on one’s shoulders.  The heavy burdens can feel like there will never be any relief.  The longer it goes on, the less likely one is to see a solution.  And if it continues, it may become a serious matter that may require professional help for peace of mind.

For the most part, people have learned to cope with life’s little curve balls.  They can sort themselves out.  And yet, it can get on top of one.  Often it is best to simply ‘keep calm and carry on’.  That is not to say, one should shrink from the reality of the situation by denying anything is wrong.  To not face the truth will only bring about a whole myriad of problems that get added on to the original trouble.

There is no right or wrong way to find one’s way out of strife.  Each case will command a different set of skills.  All of which the individual possesses.  Whether they know it or not.  Having the confidence to access them is a learned behaviour.

The weaker of the species may decide to run away instead of face the inevitable.  It is not a satisfactory solution.  It will begin a downward spiral that few can recover from.

The undaunted will see the situation for what it is and fight for a better future.  These are the kind of people who may fail in their endeavours but because of the effort will make strides with their coping mechanisms.

When looking for a way out of any dilemma, fortune favours the brave.  Striving forward with a fearless heart will only bring about the sort of courage that we all need.  The future will be as bright as we want it to be.  When negativity closes in on you, push through it.  Positivity is always on the other side.


The thing about problems is there is always a solution.  No matter what the conundrum or how complex the intricacies.  The answer generally will be found within the very heart of the conflict.

Helping to find an response can be the greatest gift to bestow on another.  Especially, when there is an inner struggle for the truth.  This will result in warm feelings towards those giving the helping hand.

Everyone can use the experiences of others to bolster confidence when facing certain dilemmas.  It can be a saving grace for the person that is going through various predicaments.

The act of searching for solutions can be a relief in itself.  Sometimes, simply making the effort will cause the brain to shift into gear and like any miracle, thoughts begin to flow and all manner of answers come flooding in.

Stress can play a factor and be an inhibitor of these very brainwaves that are needed to come up with the ideas that will lead to some unique responses.  Meditation is always helpful when attempting to free up thought-provoking insights.  The stilling if the mind can promote a deluge if concepts.

It is not easy to switch the brain off or to tone down the ever present chatter.  Sometimes a break from the constant bombardment is all that is needed to rejuvenate the soul.  Resolving issues may be uppermost in a person’s make-up.  Yet, when there are no adequate come-backs, frustration can push to the foreground and manifest in numerous ways.  Anger, hurt feelings and utter despair an be enacted by the lashing out towards those closest.  As this is a fair response, it can lead to a downward spiral.

The fact is, there are always answers and to choose not to seek them or to relinquish finding a solution is, in fact, a defeatist attitude.  Never give up, all the answers of the Universe, are out there.  With effort they will be found.