Generosity Of Spirit

Giving to others takes a very special personality. In this day and age, when the popular outlook is ‘me first’, being generous with your time, efforts and spirit, is seldom acted upon. Not to mention the fact that most people look upon it with a selfish disdain.

Yet, there are people in this world who want the best for others. And are willing to help. If you are lucky enough to have such a paragon in your life, go right out and return the favour to them. Yet, do not do so out of a sense of guilt or in order to gain something. Do it because the people who show you unfailing support could use the sentiments reciprocated.

How many of us can say that when someone commits an act of kindness we are not immediately suspicious? It is a sad state of affairs in today’s reality.

The generosity of spirit should be one of those things that you give as good as you get. The less it is expected, the greater the need, for yourself and the recipient.

There are plenty of people in this world who could do with some honest altruism. Maybe even the people closest to you who usually get the short end of the stick.

Now, I know doing ‘good deeds’ is seen as illogical and unrealistic (not to mention mistrustful) but when the reasons are pure, it can only be beneficial to all. This is the ideal.

Being generous does not require money. All of us have value. The point is to share that which we have in abundance and which others lack. Whether it be time, energy, friendship or even humour.

The benefits of a giving nature will show up in one’s health and happiness. That seems a fair trade-off. So, go out into the world with the intention of doing good and you may find that people are not as bad as the news media makes out.

We are all in this together. Let’s start to act like it.

The New World

The world is so divided today that it is almost unrecognizable as ‘free’. It used to be that seeing and hearing other people’s thoughts, on any given subject, was a good thing. Now, in the new world of neo-fascism, you either agree with the most powerful (sometimes popular) people and their opinions or you’re gone.

This is not the definition of democracy! And all those who think this way (or teach and preach it to others) will destroy everything that the brave souls of the past fought hard to gain for all of us. Freedom.

It seems to me that the period we are all going through is akin to the last days of the Roman Empire. They imploded too. And just before that event occurred, nearly every ridiculous thought or idea was forced on their unsuspecting citizens. And woe betide anyone who fought the ludicrousness of those in power who believed they were right.

Let the munera commence!

Political corruption, financial disasters, a house (country) divided upon itself, all led to the destruction of the first superpower, the world had ever known.

Guess what folks? Look in the mirror. We are all going through it, right now!

The only redeeming quality is that human beings managed to survive. And they even restored a semblance of decency, honour and right over might. All is not lost.

They say that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. But those who attempt to re-write history also get caught out. Every country, government and yes, even, human beings have despicable events in their past. The only way to move forward is to learn from it and move forward.

The past cannot be changed (nor should it be held for ransom against the present). We all have to live together today and that should be the focus.

Common sense is something that is touted as ineffectual and unprofitable but when chaos is reigning getting back to the basics is exactly what we all need.

Let’s all stop and think about the kind of human being we want our children and ourselves, to be. Then do it and be it.

True To Yourself

Lately, there has been a great deal of talk about betrayal vs loyalty, narcissistic whinging vs family kindness and victimhood vs courage. All of which is being played out for the world to take an interest in, choose sides and judge.

Yes, I’m talking about the Royal family. But there is a bigger issue at stake here. It’s easy to wade in with an opinion about their specific situation but it is far more important to rise above the gossip and take a long look at our own set of values.

The media is a useful tool but when it comes to airing a family’s dirty laundry for all to see, where will it end? I remember the ‘good old days’ when one could make stupid mistakes without sharing it with everyone including strangers on social media.

Do we need to expose the Royal family (or any family) as a dysfunctional entity which we can all laugh at? Can it be a good thing (especially, mentally) to make a living by causing friction and division to those closest to us?

Not to put a fine point on it, but trading one heirarchical institution for another (the difference being who pays whom) seems to be an odd solution. Such behaviour will never bring lasting happiness or reconciliation for anyone.

There will come a time, as it does in everyone’s life, when our actions will come home to roost. We pay for the choices we make. Reparation might not show up immediately, if ever, but unsavoury behaviour will have an impact. One has to take responsibility for their own actions.

Where are the morals and ethics in treating others (particularly family) in such a vile manner? If social media has taught us anything, it is that there is now a record of conduct for all eternity. The damage may be irreparably.

Like it or not, most people take note of one’s actions and reactions. If monetizing family squabbles becomes the norm, societies are doomed. And the company’s who perpetuate such unpleasantness should be held accountable for their contribution to the detriment of the human race. If this WOKE movement is now the norm, why should they be immune?

Whatever happened to integrity? Or doing the right thing? How about rising above adversity and making the best out of any situation you find yourself in? Have these admirable traits gone the way of the dinosaur?

Surely ‘triumph over struggles’ stories will do more to encourage the human race and bring about a better future and higher quality people. To pay ridiculous fees for negativity sends an abhorrent message out into the world. Hate and division, sells . . . so keep it up. Is this the universe you want to live in?

Not me.

So, please respect others. Be kind. Show the world (and more importantly, yourselves) that lashing out will never change anything. Rise above all bad behaviour and conduct yourselves honourably.

There is only one person you ever need to impress and that is yourself.

Fearlessly Forging Forward

There are people in this world who one cannot help but admire. I am not talking about the super stars of the media (either social or your film and tv screens variety). I am referring to the hard working individuals we see every day. The ones who fearlessly forge forward, no matter what life throws at them.

I am pretty sure we all know someone who fits this description. And if you are lucky enough to see yourself as this person, I humbly doff my cap to you. The point being, not everyone has the fortitude to press on when crap happens.

The hiccups of life have been known to stop people in their tracks. Yet those who can and do continue to keep moving in the direction they want to go, is astonishing. What is it that makes these individuals tick? (Notice I do no include myself among these shining examples?)

I have often wondered how anyone who faces paralyzing choices manages to summon up the courage to take the actions needed to get ahead. It seems, whether or not, the actions are correct is less important than the actual ‘doing’. This concept can be the furthest thing from the mind when faced with an emotionally charged situation.

Yet, it is exactly what is needed. So how do we remind ourselves of this when in the middle of a dilemma?

Options are wonderful things. When one has numerous choices, it would appear to make life so much easier. I have a theory that the opposite is, in fact, true. To cut yourself off from any alternatives except for the outcome you want, means that you must keep going. So, if ‘success’ is the only choice you leave yourself, than that is what you have to strive for.

Now, maybe ‘success’ is too big a word? Chunk it down. You want to be a coach, a business person, an artist or to read 20 books a year . . . the goal is unimportant. The plan to get there is everything. When the option for not doing it, is off the table, you cannot lose.

I do not know many humans without a stubborn streak (let’s, just, admit that) and it seems to me that if we harness the power of that trait by directing it towards constructive endeavours, instead of destructive ways, we would all be better off. It would benefit our loved ones and ourselves.

So, I say once you have found the thing that gives you purpose and allows you to feel most alive, ‘NEVER GIVE UP’ on it. Whether you are afraid or not, keep moving forward. You will figure it out.

Stepping Stones & Big Dreams

Having a ‘big dream’ is definitely the way to go when getting the most out of life. Too many of us settle for less instead of pushing ourselves beyond what we think is possible.

Sometimes, these life goals do not get met. The main reason for this is because the steps it takes in between, where we are and where we want to be, are either ignored and/or overlooked as a vital component to the end result.

Many’s the time, this integral part of the journey gets lost in thoughts of success. Yet, it needs to be taken as seriously as any other aspect. Each stage has intrinsic value and lessons are to be learned in order to reach that final destination.

None of us can go from infancy to old age in one fell swoop. Milestones are reached throughout life. The same is true for attaining goals. We all must learn to walk before we can run. We are never too good to participate in the most humble of beginnings. Every single experience is useful on the road to achievement.

This perspective holds true no matter what path we are on nor how big (or small) the dream is. Each stepping stone has to be taken in order to help us reach the ultimate end.

Life teaches lessons that can take time and prepare us for a multitude of objectives. We all want an easy road but sometimes the journey we choose is full of potholes. Yet we are compelled to persevere.

That does not mean there is no joy to be had. A bumpy ride can be thrilling. Seeking new destinations is part of our nature as human beings. The curiosity to experience ‘the new’ is what has helped us to progress throughout the ages.

Every step we take is a victory. The only failure is to give up and stop. When that is eliminated as an option, all we can do is carry on. Even if that leads down a different street. There is an inherent knowing that we will be stronger for the struggle.

So, as I say . . . Dream big, enjoy yourself along the way and respect the process. We will win if we continue to work hard to manifest the vision.

Keep striving!

Keep taking that next step!

Let his New Year be the beginning of something special.

Breaking Down Walls

We all build walls in order to protect ourselves. Whether it is to stop others from hurting us or to keep people, ideas or the unfamiliar from invading our way of life.

Most people get by, simply, by shutting out new thoughts, behaviours and beliefs. After all, it is far easier to come to the conclusion that we are right and everyone else is wrong. No need to think differently, right?

Once we learn the basics, we end up living our entire lives, from then on, closed off from everything and everyone that does not agree with us. It is a dangerous game.

And in this social media age of having our views bolstered by algorithms that specifically target our way of thinking, it will only contribute to a lack of openness and freedom of thought.

While it may make us feel superior to have the evidence that we are correct, this worldwide phenomenon will destroy fair play and the ability to empathize with those who hold an opposing view.

Being open-minded has always been an attribute, in my opinion, and for that to really stand out, one must break down the walls of resistance which we have created in ourselves.

Decisions used to be made after careful review of all sides of an issue. But in this fast-paced world, who has time to think and consider when there is another video, blog, or post uploaded to our favourite app? There is too much enjoyment in knocking others down in order to make ourselves feel good.

The solution to this is to dismiss any other views than our own. Or we can just go along with the crowd. Let someone else do the thinking and if you don’t agree with me . . . you’re blocked!

This culture of popularity will only increase the barriers that we build. Better to ‘avoid’ confrontation than to carefully and respectfully communicate our thoughts. Or allow others to have different views.

It is perfectly fine, and in fact, generous to do our best to understand another person’s viewpoint. No one has to agree! Just hear them out and allow others to believe what they want.

It does not make them bad people! It does not make you a bad person. Being a, truly, well-rounded individual, must include the knowledge of when these walls we build are doing more harm (to ourselves and others) than good.

We must never allow someone else to police our thoughts. Listen to different views. It may provide insights that we have, otherwise, missed. It could lead to all manner of inspiration.

Respect and fairness are becoming the dinosaurs of the new millennium. As most younger generations think they know better than their elders, maybe it’s time for us all to listen to each other?

Our role as human beings is to learn and grow. Each taking the path most suitable for ourselves. Hiding behind barriers will only deprive society of our unique gifts.

Freedom involves knowledge, choices and sharing. It behooves all of us to take part. There is power in understanding. Break down those walls and let new perspectives in.

Catching Up

It’s been a while since my last blog but let me tell you what has been going on.

I started this blog in order to help be a positive influence for others and myself. To encourage, inspire and motivate to live a better life. Very laudable but I found it was much easier to sort out the lives of others, than it was to have to take my own advice and follow my dreams.

So, effectively, I silenced myself so as not to be hypocritical. I mean, how could I espouse ‘never giving up’ when all I wanted to do was stop following my dream of making a living with my writing?

It is extremely difficult to keep swimming against the stream when there are no visible signs that the dream is becoming a reality. Yet the mixed messages are always there. Perseverance, patience and determination are all well and good but when there is no income to back up the dream, self-doubt and recriminations are inevitable.

So, while I have never stopped writing, I have not shared my words. Nor have I been particularly proficient or wise. Settling instead, for anything that did not beat myself up enough to want to totally give up.

The thing is, I know that what I write, and the things I have to say, can be helpful (and for some of my writing: highly entertaining). It’s the old struggle between art and commerce that is the challenge.

It is, especially, hard these days when everyone on the internet wants all written material for free. (Believe me, I know of what I speak . . .). As if, it wasn’t an art form, at all and the work that goes into writing does not need compensation. The problem with that attitude is . . . where does it end? I mean, why should anybody expect to be paid for anything? It’s a slippery slope.

Art is as important as everything else in the world, if not more so. The creative thinkers and doers are the ones who change societies and move us all forward. Yet, the stigma of a dollar value on something so priceless stops people from digging into their own pockets to say, ‘Well done. You’re doing good work and here’s some remuneration for all that you do.’

I’m here to tell you that I haven’t given up and I’m still pursuing the dream. Mostly, because I could not stop, even if I’d wanted to. There is something that compels me to carry on, no matter what.

Whether I continue to share my writing remains to be seen. But rest assured that I will put pen to paper always (yes, I still scribble longhand) and hopefully, from time to time if I come up with insights, knowledge and ideas that may benefit others, I will share liberally in the hopes that those whom I have touched will reciprocate in kind.

Surely, profiting from each other is a worthwhile endeavour. Support the arts where and when you can.

*If I have written anything that helps and you care to tip/donate, feel free to do so. . .

Be The Life

This may sound strange coming from someone whose aim is to inspire others to go for their dreams but . . . It is time to STOP chasing your ideal!

Provocative, I know. Here me out, though. We all know what it is that gives us goosebumps just by thinking of the end goal. The result may be different for everyone but the feelings are the same and all are valid.

We set out to reach these oft-times, seemingly, impossible targets with trepidation and caution. Yet the journey must be traversed. It can be daunting and off-putting to the point of giving up.

One step at a time is the required length of focus. To concentrate on the present while keeping the long goal in mind. This will ease the anxious, overwhelming challenges the road ahead is sure to throw at you.

‘Letting go of the dream’ should never be an option. Forging forward must be stubbornly planted within the mind so that the mission can become a reality some day.

The only true failure in life is to walk away from the one thing that rules your heart. So, once all other choices have been eliminated and the decision to continue along the path has been made, a staunch determination is needed to keep going.

There may be speed bumps, peaks and valleys as well as bends and twists along the roads we choose, that is the lot in life. Following your heart will never be dull.

A build up of fortitude and perseverance must be allowed to come to the fore. And when those times of discouragement show themselves, you must create a ‘I can do this’ attitude.

No one who has ever arrived at a desired destination has reached that end by turning tail and running in the other direction. The purposeful mindset must be established and tapped into.

So, while I say ‘STOP CHASING THE GOAL’, what I really mean is ‘BEGIN LIVING THE DREAM’! The ‘chasing’ must be replaced. Every step you take is inches closer to how life CAN be.

If you can see the dream, feel it and imagine yourself in that ideal situation, you will surely bring it about. The body follows the emotions we produce.

Start today. Be the life you want!

Keep Smiling

I cannot tell you how many articles I have written for this particular blog, only to read them over, at a later date, and scrap them. All of them have been too negative and not the messages I want to put out into the universe.

To say I’m struggling with the whole Covid thing would be an understatement. I find it extremely difficult to look at this worldwide disaster and see a bright side. Yet, I know it must be out there somewhere!

Finding that balance of resigned ‘following the crowd’ mentality, that is being foisted upon us all, and the good humour which continues to always be bubbling beneath the surface, is proving quite the challenge.

Fear, uncertainty and the dreaded social media disease of ‘agree with me or die’ is getting harder and harder to fight against. Throughout history, others who have had far greater adversities to conquer seemed to have managed it. But I am no Gandhi, Martin Luther King or Joan of Arc.

I suppose, there is a lesson to learn from those who created a better world for all of humankind. And for my little piece of it, all I can say is . . . I wish everyone an open mind, less judgement (towards others and ourselves) and the courage to share the joy and fun that is in us all.

Covid may have ruined the lives of many people but it cannot defeat our souls.

(A short blog but much better than anything I’ve come up with in weeks).

Keep smiling and share the joy whenever and wherever you can!


*You might want to check out my other blogs . . .

The Joy Of Cats – Blogs about my cats and the joy they bring. –

Works of Fiction. – Blogs with my works of fiction. –

If I have written anything that entertains or helps and you care to tip/donate, feel free to do so. . .

Creative Thinking

I think we are perilously close to a world without art!

I say this because there are some strange goings-on afoot. While the Internet does allow for an artist to display their work (in whatever form that happens to be?) the immediacy and cost-free, voyeuristic nature of the beast tends to undervalue the input that creative types toil over. This is very dangerous thinking.

Most people, in society, do not consider ‘art’ as work to begin with. They think it’s all, just, messing around with natural talent. That it is something that should be given away without a price tag (especially if it is not them that want to earn a living this way).

Internet scammers do not make it any easier for true artists to find an audience. Nor do governments help out either. Oh yes, if an artist becomes a hit, they will more than happily roll out the red carpet and claim the artist as their own. But will they support the artist while they are learning their craft or are unknown? Fat chance!

Covid has hit this community hard as well. Closing all the venues where artists can show their work for actual sales does no one any favours. And yes, I know staying safe is uppermost in the minds of all. But so is food and shelter.

The greatest eras throughout the history of this beautiful planet of ours, have always included surges in artistic endeavours. The support for those willing to use their minds (and talents) to find better ways and means to move us, has brought such beauty to the human experience. It’s what keeps the dark side of humans from taking over and destroying everything good.

The fact that this has been sorely lacking over the last century and well into this 21st century, may just speak to the mess that we all find ourselves in?

Unique, creative thinking is needed! Support those willing to seek their truth and share it with the world. It might save us all!


*You might want to check out my other blogs . . .

The Joy Of Cats – Blogs about my cats and the joy they bring. –

Works of Fiction. – Blogs with my works of fiction. –

If I have written anything that entertains or helps and you care to tip/donate, feel free to do so. . .